Saturday, August 30, 2014

Abandoning the Rim for the Gorge

Quick trip to the property yesterday. 5 hrs of driving for 5 hrs onsite.  Decided that my passion is for the river below.  I intend to abandon my efforts on the cactus choked rim and descend into the verdant gorge itself.

After research on historic floods as measured 6 miles upstream at Lobatos bridge, decided that it would be possible to build above all but the most extreme floods on a section of the property where two large boulders lie.  This section is 6to 7 ft above the riverbed which puts it above all but a couple huge floods like the 1905 flood when the river ran at 10 ft-an unbelievable depth considering it normally runs around 1 to 2 ft at the gauge.

My flood insurance will be placing the structure on piers so it will be 10 ft above the riverbed.  Additionally I will orient the structure along the cliff wall so it will not project into any future floodwaters as prominently.

I intend for the structure to be a sleeping and storage place with the majority of the living taking place outside in front on the "patio"

The proposed living area would be behind the large dark boulder on the right.
Here is a view from across the river.

The ladders up to the middle shelf

Beaver gnawed through my hose it appears.

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