Thursday, April 16, 2015

Safety Goals on the Gorge

There are two main safety concerns when it comes to kids and the Gorge: lethal falls and drowning.  I was working on the fall side of safety when all of my equipment left onsite was stolen putting an abrupt stop to that project.  Now that I have purchased the equipment again I an start putting in safety rail.

The safest route we could find while still remaining within our 275 ft of river frontage finishes with an 8 and 18 foot ladder section at the bottom. The shelf between these two ladders is rather steeply pitched so I am installing a pipe railing in this section at this time.  The lava rock is rather heterogenous and so i find that one moment I'm drilling through  butter and the next my bit is being destroyed.

The bottom of the Gorge is where I want to be. The whoosh of rapids, the surround sound  of trickling water is a treat for one born and raised in an arid land.

Am finding little niches and grottos on the face of the gorge. Plan on taking a cue from the Anasazi and stashing items in these inaccesible areas.  Purchased some iron security bars from Pieces consignment in Taos.  Plan on affixing them along a 3 ft ledge so that would be thieves will think twice before attempting to steal from us again.

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